Monday 27 November 2017


So it's been awhile and plenty of things have happened... both good and bad I suppose.

1st off... Zeke is now full time at the training barn. This has been hugely helpful for him as he's getting a 5 day a week riding schedule.

2. We were pretty consistently jumping all of the boxes and doing full courses. We can pretty consistently do our changes over poles and semi consistently without them

3. He's now a pro at  riding with other horses.

4. The bad.

We ran into a loose stifle issue. About 6 weeks ago he suddenly decided to not like cantering to the left. Vet came out and diagnosed the loose stifles (both) and recommended 3 weeks of trotting poles and long trotting.

3 weeks later and he's much stronger but still not loving his life on the left lead. Vet comes back out and takes x-rays of both stifles, both hocks and both ankles. All are completely clean. Vet is now prescribing leg paint for 10 days on the inside of both ankles and check ligaments and a course of Myoplast.  I am currently 3 weeks into this and we're seeing mild improvement.

Zeke is now learning how to come on the bit and go forward into the connection. He's a quick study but as always, doesn't love when something becomes "work". It'll come when he gains some strength.

 He consistently stands at the mounting block and as long as he gets 1 run a week to play hes a pretty happy camper even ridden with other horses.

He has been hot shod which was a success and in general is much much improved with his ground manners (no more planting his feet and refusing to move).

Over all a plus. I am super bummed about having to press pause on our jumping. However it really is allowing us to fix some holes that were forming in his training. At the end of this slooow slooow progress I will have a much more broke horse than I would have otherwise. Maaayyybbeee I'll even make it to the show at the end of February. We shall see!!!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

2017 Goals

Now... Considering Zeke is a baby (some days a very dumb baby.....) these are very loosely based and probably (hopefully?) conservative

-End 2017 with a sound healthy Zeke
-Be jumping a course of any size with fill by the end of the year
-Start working on lead changes and have them at least 75% firm
-Completely eliminate his loading issues
-Improve his anxiety about being ridden with other horses
-Compete in at least 1 show (not including a flat class) in any division
-Take him (and not die doing it) to one western show at the show grounds

Personal Goals

-Lose 15 pounds
-Re commit myself to my work. My dedication has been slacking a little since the end of my last position
-Meet my yearly budget
-Run a Tough Mudder
-Read atleast 12 books a year (I stopped reading from lack of options)
-Blog atleast Bi Weekly (mainly to keep a training log)
-Get more riding media (This is a very useful tool to evaluate our current weaknesses)

2016 Recap

-Ozz was becoming a fire cracker under saddle due to lack of work.
-We were jumping 2' courses with fill and landing the correct leads
-Ended up moving him to Ironstone for a few months so he could be ridden consistently

-This was the start of saddle shopping for me and attitude for Ozz
-I ended up purchasing a Stubben Edelweis and Ozz continued to battle with a severe attitude under saddle.
-Started him on muscle relaxers and some hand walking.

-Took this month to slowly bring him back into work from hand walking to under saddle
-Zero riding to be had for me

-Had a training ride on Ozz in which he feels stiff but not overtly lame but acts the same for Seana
-Had vet out for another opinion
-It was determined he had severe hock pain and SI pain. Hocks were going to be injected.
-Quit my job that was literally stressing me to the point of sickness. This was probably the most necessary and important decision of this entire year.

-Hocks were injected and more time off was had before bringing him back to work.
-3 weeks of rehabbing and zero attitude changes
-Vet comes out for 3rd evaluation and basically says he's falling apart.
-Further diagnostics weren't pursued as it didn't change the treatment but it was guessed he had super thin soles and would need pour in pads, a front left ankle issue, SI issue and a return of his ulcers.
- Decided Previcox was the way to go

-Ozzy was officially listed for sale after a couple weeks of rehab work.
-I also started my new job with a company and boss who is wonderful to work for.

-Found a wonderful family in Harrow to purchase Ozz.
-He is a beginner safe trail mount and a companion for the daughters jumper. It was literally the perfect situation.
-Horse shopping commences!!!


-After looking at a whopping 2 horses, I decide to purchase a quiet lazy gelding.
-On August 13th Wicked Sting officially gets delivered from Aurora and we start the lovely process of bringing along a 4 year old 16 hh goofball of a gelding that is right off the track!

-This brings the start of lessons where I learn he doesn't care about indoor arenas, has a bit of a trailer loading issue and I only have to buy minimal tack for him!
-I also learn that he has meltdowns when ridden with other horses... this is an on going issue.

-Lessons continue. Zeke gets a bit spicier as the weather cools down and he doesn't get worked as much.
-We have officially trotted our first course of X's and begin to attempt small grids with.... mixed success.
-Semi have the trailer loading issue fixed

-Trailer loading isues show up full force. But I keep persevering and working around it.
-He is now up to 20 minutes to load both ways.
-Consistently picking up the canter better and intriducing lengthens and shortens at the trot. Great success here!

-Trailer loading comes to a head with it taking over an hour one night to get him to load coming home. I finally ended up beating him to get him on the trailer.
-With work at home our trailer loading tactics have changed. It is now a zero tolerance for stopping and planting his feet. Trailer loading must happen with a dressage whip.
-Also get my saddle looked at by a saddle fitter where it is determined it fits well.
-Someone also might have chewed on my saddle........ A$$


It's amazing how at the end of the year you don't feel like you've done much until you sit down and write it all down.

Here's to a better 2017!